Harrogate’s Award-Winning Park

Potential Future Projects

Consultants Report Presenting Ideas for Improving Valley Gardens
In 2003, HBC contracted with Landscape Design Associates to develop a Conservation and Management Plan. This plan identified numerous concepts for improving Valley Gardens. You can download the Plan (7.2M) by clicking here.

We will continue to consider new concepts to improve the Gardens. There are a wealth of areas needing our support. One such idea, the renovation of the Rockery and Creation of the Rockery Walk, is discussed here.

Potential Future Project Concept: Renovation of the Rockery and Creation of the Rockery Walk
Decades ago you could walk along both sides of the stream on paved walks. This area was called “The Rockery” because of all the large landscaping rocks that had been placed along the stream to enhance the beauty of the area. There were also bridges crossing the stream. Now there is no access to the area south of the stream and the whole area is overgrown and unused. This entire area could be transformed. At the east end near the main entrance, the Rockery could be renovated and a walk added to provide the visitor with new vistas of the gardens and the stream. Near the Magnesia Well Cafe, a path could be built on the other side of the Duck pond. It would provide a woodland area within Valley Gardens with unpaved paths, shade, and an entirely different feeling from the more developed areas. ˜˜˜

Below is a photo of the Rockery in 1972 and an early postcard showing a path and bridge at the Duck pond.