Valley Gardens Byelaws


BYELAWS made under section 164 of the Public Health Act, 1875, by the Mayor, Alderman, and in Burgesses of the Borough of Harrogate, acting by the council, with respect to certain pleasure grounds.

1. Throughout these Bylaws the expression ''the Council'' means the Mayor, Alderman, and Burgesses of the Borough of Harrogate, acting by the council, and the expression ''the ground'' means except where inconsistent with the context, each of the following pleasure grounds :

  • The Valley Gardens (except Bogs Field)
  • Harlow Hill Recreation Ground
  • Oatlands Park
  • Ripon Road Playing Field
  • Bilton Recreation Ground

2. A Person who has attained the age of 15 years shall not use any swing or other apparatus in the ground which by a notice affixed in a conspicuous position near thereto shall be set apart by the Council for the use of persons under the age of 15 years

3. A person shall not
  • carelessly or negligently deface, injure, or destroy any wall or fence in or enclosing the ground, or any building, and barrier, railing, post, or seat or any erection or ornament on the ground;
  • willfully carelessly or negligently soil or defile any wall or fence in or enclosing the ground, or any building, barrier, railing, post, or seat or any erection or ornament on the ground.

4. (i) A person shall not accept in the exercise of any lawful right of privilege bring or cause to be brought onto the ground any barrow, truck, machine, or vehicle other than:
  • a wheeled bicycle, tricycle or other similar machine;
  • a wheelchair, perambulator or chaise drawn or propelled by hand and use solely for the conveyance of a child or children for an invalid provided that where the council set apart a space on the ground for the use of any class of vehicle this bylaw shall not be deemed to prohibit the driving in or to that space by direct rout from the entrance to the ground or any vehicle of the class for which it is set apart.
4. (ii) A person shall not except in the exercise of any lawful right of privilege ride any bicycle, tricycle or other similar machine in any part of the ground.

5. A person shall not on the ground remove, cut or displace any gravel, soil, the turf or plant.

6. Where the council set apart any such part of the ground as may be fixed by the council, and may be described in a notice board affixed or set up in some conspicuous position on the ground, for the purpose of any game specified in the notice board, which, by reason of the rules or manner of playing, or for the prevention of damage, danger of discomfort to any person on the ground, may necessitate the exclusive use by the player or players of any space on such that on the ground-----a person shall not in any space elsewhere on the ground play or take part in any game so specified in such a manner as to exclude persons not playing or taking part in the game from the use of such space.

7. A person shall not except with the consent of the council erect any post, rail, fence, pole, tent booth, stand, building, or other structure on the ground.

8. A person shall not on the ground.
  • Beat, Shake, sweep, brush or cleanse any carpet, drugget, rug, or mat, or any other fabric returning dust retaining dust or dirt;
  • Hang, spread or deposit any linen or all the fabric for drying or bleaching.

9. A person shall not on the ground willfully obstruct, disturbed, interrupt or annoy any other person in the proper use of the ground, or willfully, obstruct, disturbed, or interrupt any officer of the council in the proper execution of his duty, or any person or servant of any person employed by the council in the proper execution of his duty.

10. Every person who was shall offend against any of the foregoing bylaws shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding two pounds.

11. Every person who shall infringe any bylaw for the regulation of the ground may be removed therefrom by any officer of the council, by any constable, in anyone on the several cases hereinafter specified; that is to say----
Where the infraction of the bylaw is committed within the view of such officer or Constable, and the name and residence of the person infringing the bylaw are unknown to and cannot be readily ascertained by such officer of Constable. When the infraction of the bylaw is committed within the view of such officer or constable, and, from the nature of such infraction, or from any other fact of which such officer or Constable may have knowledge, or which he may be credibly informed there may be reasonable ground for belief that the continuance on the ground of the person infringing the byelaw may result in another infraction of a bylaw that the removal of such person from the ground is otherwise necessary as a security for the proper use and regulation thereof.
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